
Showing posts from June, 2021

Ozymandias: An Analysis

Since I first read it as part of my Subject Knowledge Enhancement course prior to the start of my ITT, Shelley's  Ozymandias  has been one of my favourite poems. In part, this is attributable to the fact that it is featured in  Breaking Bad  (one of my favourite TV shows) but fundamentally - full disclosure - it is because I have a curious fascination with the transience of power and, simply, Shelley's sonnet explores this notion beautifully.  I haven't had the opportunity to teach this poem yet and so, before I do, I wanted to write down some ideas that I could maybe refer to or use at a later date. It's also, I feel, a good way of refreshing or even adding to my subject knowledge. I should say that this is my first time attempting anything this detailed   and I expect there will be things I have overlooked or perhaps not got quite right. I haven't touched upon context or anything like that but I hope what I have covered is useful in some way.  Withou...