Two-Page Lessons
With this being my first blog post, I am keen to preface it by saying that this is simply an opportunity for me to reflect on, record and hopefully clarify my own thoughts. I am not claiming to be an expert in anything (much less teaching, having only done it since September). Okay, disclaimer written. Now, to the matter at hand... A few days ago, I tweeted an image of a resource I had made for a lesson on Act 1, Scene 2 (A1-S2) of Hamlet . The reaction it generated was far bigger than I anticipated and the comments I had were incredibly supportive, which provided quite the confidence boost. The image/resource in question was a two-page lesson intended for use with a top-set Year 9 group. I add that emboldened detail because I think it's important to note that the structure of the lesson which is depicted on the image I posted on Twitter is certainly not a one-size-fits-all approach. It would, along with the content of course, need to be adapted so that it is suitable for ...