The Art Of Saying A Lot About A Little

It's been an unduly long time since my last blog post and there are a number of reasons for that, chief among them the end of my ITT year and subsequent qualification as a teacher. I found myself really busy in the last few weeks of placement and since finishing, my time has largely been spent reflecting, reading and recuperating. I was inspired to write this after seeing a number of blog posts emerge on Twitter about various topics, all of which a) I found really interesting / useful and b) encouraged me to share something that I felt had quite a positive impact in the classroom. I'm not sure how much of what will follow is likely to be original or innovative: I don't consider myself a pedagogical pioneer. However, if there is something that someone can take away or even if you just find this an enjoyable read, I'll consider it a win. To offer some background to the post, I'll start by saying that in the final stage of my placement Year 9 were studying Romeo and ...